
Because you can tell just by looking at them, right? *eyeroll

What about all the cis men who rape children? Should we be banning cis men from interacting from children or sharing restrooms with children?

More and more am I happy we had our wedding in my parents pole barn. It was very low key and so much fun.

I guess in that regard Disney will see more money that way vs actual providing what the people want.; so there is no incentive to change.

A lot of these characters are supposed to be minors...

I get what you are saying and agree for a lot of it...if you just only added "most women" These kinds of ideas of what most women experience just remind me of how my gynological issues have been used to silence me when trying to inform other people of my issues, saying they are not important or worthy to share or

But us exceptions deserve equal flooring, not exclusion. While I identify as a feminist I hate the idea of a unifying female experience; that idea as someone who is the exception is often used to shut us up. "Oh, your condition is rare. Everyone, don't worry, you won't experience what she is, let's instead focus on

I think this is absolutely crazy on every level, but is there a rule where you cannot take your kids to the foodbank? I would think families with kids would be there all the time.

Also not everyone who is born with a vagina has a functioning vagina, not everyone born with uterus's have functioning uterus's, etc. Just because you have a body part does not mean you relate to other people who have the same body part - just like I don't relate to people who have an appendix.

The problem i see with the mediciations is while they could lessen the sex drive, the mental desire and want is still there. But these people being self aware and wanting help is a good start.

I think the best we can do while living elsewhere is spread the word. The media is unable to get in there and say what is happening, these people are potentially risking their lives posting these videos and we must help them spread it.

Apparently not to the family that named the kid.

I understand preserving culture and all of that, I really do, but I just feel like choosing a name for a child is a family affair, not a government one. (I mean as long as they dont name their kid Hashtag or something asinine.)

While this is true, I don't think this is the right way to go about it.

Yes, we just need to stay quiet and not expose ourselves. Congratulations on being part of the problem.

I was just about the say the exact thing you were, but in the opposite position. Each to their own.

I like McDonalds ice cream cones, am I somehow a bad horrible person for wanting them? Jesus, let people buy whatever the fuck they want with their money. You don't know if the kid hadn't eaten any candy all that week or anything, don't pass judgement for people not eating the best nutritionally sound meals every day.

Yeah, because fuck you if you want to eat something sweet once in your life below the poverty line.

Her and her child are so much better off. You can't contain that horrible amount of rage behind the computer screen forever and she was lucky to escape it.

Any medical setting with an asshole doctor is like this, and there are a lot of asshole doctors.