
I only get my sexy panties in 6-packs from WalMart. I'm a wild one, ya know.

I see the post of someone who judges too quickly.

Her whole "I want" song was sung before meeting Eric, I think people would be less likely to hate Ariel if they remember that.

When among friends I purposefully mispronounce words just for shits but sometimes in real conversation the mispronunciation comes out and I feel stupid. ;_;

Do what, adopt without needing a medical reason?

Who the fuck does what, adopt without facing fertility problems? Get over yourself, people adopt for as many reasons as they would get pregnant.

While working healthcare I was sick for a day. Came in the next day feeling well enough, my boss (the doctor) told me he would let it slide this time but next time to take some pills for the symptoms and tough it out like he does. Yyyyyeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..............

It is like this in healthcare too. I worked directly with patients, I was sick with very unpleasant symptoms. I came in when I was feeling better and my boss (the DOCTOR of his own medical practice) told me would let it slide this time but next time to just take pills for the symptoms and deal with it LIKE HE DID.

Asexual with no sex drive here. I don't see the problem =P

Dove is great about inventing things that you didn't know existed and then coming up with a solution, I would not be surprised if this becomes a thing for them.

The best I could find in google images for this.

It's okay, Dove will make a commercial about how we need to love ourselves despite the elbow fat.

I didn't even know elbow fat was a thing. Maybe Dove will now make a commercial about how we all have elbow fat but its totally okay to have elbow fat.

If a white guy wants to hire a PoC woman he instantly gets promoted to Super-CEO.

Out of the Halo series I still think the original has the best single/co-op experience. This looks really great!

I found a $100 bill once on the ground. Oh well.


Stranger things have happened, like dog rescues from natural disasters from across the globe. Obviously not a natural disaster but animal rescue efforts across the globe have been done.

Okay, good. =D