Method: Cold turkey + Afghanistan
Method: Cold turkey + Afghanistan
For me it was one of the most enjoyable games I’ve played in a long time. Are some of the jokes dumb and/or annoying? Totally.
I'm pretty sure it was his wife that said that.
First off, sorry for the offence - wasn't my intention - tend to get a little data driven at times, not always good at sticking the landing with my words (despite the world I work in).
Hey, cut him some slack - he does play the drums! /s
Center of the Universe up in Ashland does some good stuff too.
How do I expect the industry to survive? By being leaner and smarter with their money.
I love the L4D games, so much so that I ended up buying them twice - to play with friends on both the PC and console. But there's no way I'm buying Evolve.
Butt mumble.
Sorry but Japanese McDonald's is legit.
I played Unity with great disappointment, wondering how it went so wrong. As I played, I kept hoping the next sidequest or co-op mission would turn it all around for me. I wondered if I'd just grown tired of a series I've enjoyed for so many years. But I don't think it's me. I'm the Assassin's Creed guy at Kotaku. I'm…
Don't forget our proud tradition of mattress sales!
Note that the announcement of both games comes via a GoG forum notice, which spilled the beans a little early. Similar postings reveal other classic Lucasarts games will also be coming to GoG, such as Fate of Atlantis, KOTOR and Sam & Max (though of course they're exciting, since they've long been available on…
It'll be hitting Kickstarter this month and if it gets funded, they're talking about a $200-ish price tag depending on interest.
I've been working alongside soldiers from both of those countries for the past several months here in Kandahar - they're good people. Also, even a smaller country like Belgium providing a couple F-16s or other type of air support makes a huge difference tactically during an air campaign like this.
That sounds like an amazingly fun game that I would get super excited about, play the beta, love it, pre-order it, play obsessively for about two months, and then quit because my friends "don't have the money/time" to invest in a new MMO. I hate my friends sometimes.
They want to fill a Caiman full of hurt kids during an emergency situation? I sure as hell hope they're going to practice their roll-over drills...
As someone who fenced for many years (epee, mainly) but has moved over to HEMA more recently (sword and buckler, mainly from the I.33 manual) I can say that in my experience there's way less "elegance" and a lot more chaos than I ever experienced in fencing. Sure, going through the manual of arms you have your drills…