
Mochi says hi back!

Do you know what else folks can stop doing? Comparing things to "war zones".

As a Virginian, I find it deliciously ironic that you're suggesting that McAuliffe will be the one who will be crooked.

If video game-themed rock music's your thing, and you'll still be in town Monday evening, be sure to check out The Protomen concert at El Corazon on the 2nd.

Had the video on low res at first and didn't notice the text - so good catch.

Waylon, Queen and N.W.A? Hell yeah!

Amen, brother.

Now playing

I've got a Battlefield-specific one: Players who want to fly aircraft, but really shouldn't:

I'll see your comment and raise you a:

With invertebrates like crabs and lobsters it's tricky - what with the lack of a complex central nervous system and all.

It's not just you guys up in Canuckistan. I'm down here in the States and just got the same message.

That is a combination best/worst thing I have ever seen.

Now playing

Not nearly as terrifying as one of James' other videos:

Scoop: because as a real-world military photojournalist, it's nice to have your own action figure.

As a rabbit owner, I look down on all of you.

Have you seen my baseball?

Badass dude's in the French Army. Looks like they're not the cheese-eating surrender monkeys some folks have pegged them for.

I was wondering the same thing and found this helpful:

"Growing pains" are not same thing as "making an almost entirely single-player experience unplayable because your servers broke".