
Leave it to BMW. Everyone else is making automated cars that pootle around and make you safer. BMW wants to make one that automatically makes you look like a cock!


So they're going to arrest all drivers who are missing an arm or hand, right?

The technical term for this is hooky-bobbing, and I'm not sure why these men had to be crazy to do it as it's common practice in areas with such slick roads.

No, we're pretty much here for car-related shit. It's a pretty big stretch to post a news item about something just because it happened to fall from a plane over 60 years ago. Besides, we'll be hearing about this on every other news site.

1960 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 Fiesta Cruiser Wagon on a Blazer chassis, with a Cadillac 500 up front. It's for sale, too. I'm tryna scrape together the cash as we speak. I think it needs a Duramax though.

I agree, seems weird that the ice could suddenly support the whole weight of the car on a far smaller contact patch.

Why didn't he just swap batteries, at least long enough to get the car started?

I was eagerly awaiting one of the tracks to break and tear half the bed off his truck.

I've always wondered if the inner lanes = fast lanes, outer lanes = slow lanes rule also applies when in town. There are certainly a shitload of people who do 30 in a 35mph zone in the left lane here.

There's no way he could have gotten an accurate radar lock on you if you were not only next to a car in the other lane, but the other car was in between him and you. Maybe if he was stationary, but certainly not if he was moving.

What, you guys don't do this already?

A few weeks after this aired, I had a pretty bad deja vu moment. I had a white Volvo 240 sedan, identical to the one in the show. There's a ledge like 3 inches wide below the windows, so it tends to collect snow. One morning I climbed in to it, shut the door, saw there was snow still on it, and elbowed it.

Why do you have a remote starter if you don't live in below-zero territory?


A straight piece of road with a single jump =/= whoops.

Can't tell if Engrish...

And this, children, is why it's safer to go faster.

Um... repost? And I think this is the third or fourth time.

It's basically as close as you can get to dancing with a car.