
That's cool.

Nazi inspired? Obviously it is a reference to General Morden's Rebel Army faction, from Metal Slug.

And here I thought Kotaku was on the pulse of Asian culture and gaming. :=p

I think we'd have a lot less problem with the whole "not a game" label if we adopted more Japanese industry style of game labeling.

For instance, there's an entire genre of games out there that aren't very gamey at all, like visual novels. Sometimes actions stories where you only need to press a button every once in a

The evidence is pretty clear. I am going to have to just assume you are being obtuse on purpose, in order to protect your world view. She rallied a twitter army against TFYC, got a pro-female Game Jam shut down, and then tried to re-direct people to fund her "own" game jam.

Face it, you are supporting scummy people,

In any case, this all is a delightful sideshow, but the outrage/outcry phase is over, the public awareness phase where we called attention to LW1/LW2, and LW3 is also at an end, and we are deeply entrenched at the moment in Phase 3.

Phase 4 has not even begun yet.

You can ask Mr Denton, owner of Gawker media, if he

So even if I don't care about their sex, and care more for the content of their minds, it's still "sexism"?

It seems to me the only way you can win this argument is by making it about gender, not ideas. You don't seem to want to actually harmonize the races and genders, but cause more discourse between them.


You say misogyny like it means something anymore. Your side keeps moving the goalpost on that one. And I do not claim to hate women.

I claim to disagree with particular individuals on the basis of their independent character and minds. Them being women is of no consequence. I think at the end of the day, that is what

Now playing

First we will tackle Sarkeesian, specifically her Hitman video.

But I digress. These women are not important.

It is the blind followers and white knights that throw their lot in with them blindly, that concerns me for gamings future as an entertainment medium.

Are we so easily swayed by cultural marxist rhetoric, and female attention?

I believe it is you who are misconstruing the tone of my belligerence. Depraved hated? I'd call it more a concern that people so easily cast their lot in these people.

Wu(who is possibly a post-op, originally a male, and probably only became female to get female victimhood status) own twitter is proof enough of her

>a whackjob, a fraud, and a sociopath who helped shut down a pro-female game jam.
>Not terrible people.

Are you just willfully unaware of their history, or does their history not fit into your narrative?

I am not clear how misogyny is even a factor, unless you mean calling people who are known to be horrid people on the current bullshit is "misogyny".

That is what I really don't understand at the end of the day....people lining up to protect certain women who are known to be TERRIBLE PEOPLE, with bad histories. Why?

He was probably trying to play it safe by not mentioning names or taking sides, since there has been heavy harassment on both sides.

I want it released on Steam, just like how I bought ME1 and ME2.

And when those talking have either large political sway, can manipulate the content to suit their idea of context, or when half the story is omitted to suit an agenda?

Some things get destroyed when "that" happens.

Video games already had a the most creative freedom out of any of the latest media outlets.

You want a game about depression, someone made one.
You want a game about shooting up Terrorists? They made one.
You want a game with bouncing boobs? They made one.
You want an artsy game with great visuals and story, but not

Nevermind at all the social justice crowd who has done the same thing when it came to sponsors, when a site or news article posted something that they didn't agree with...

That has been part of their weaponchest since day one. All you can really complain about is "Whaaaaaaaahhhhh, someone is being as monstrous and

It's not so much a threat is being faked.

It's the lengths to which this site and others are going to use this threat to escalate their own misguided ideologies and narratives.

How come no one is talking about the syringe Milo Yiannopoulus got in the mail for supporting Gamer Gate?


You don't say?