
Excuse me? I’m not sure how you turned a comment fact checking a stupid claim you made into my unbridled support for misogyny. I’m an Australian woman and I’m truly disgusted about the gender slurs Gillard had to put up with while she was PM. The Coalition are a bunch of bigoted, backward dickheads, that’s not exactly

THANK YOU! It also really negates the victims experience as well, like "oh he must have been sick when he did that, you're a bad person for blaming him". I know seriously mentally ill people who would never dream of pulling this shit and it's pretty offensive to just pull the old mental illness card whenever someone

I was stalked for years by an incredibly pretentious, "tortured artist" wanker who thought becoming an alcoholic would give him "credibility". This email to Emily reads identically to the point it was almost triggering. I don't see mental illness, I see the incredible sense of entitlement and disbelief of a person who

Please, it was written on a menu at a Liberal party fund raiser, it turned into an absolute shit storm and everyone involved was forced to apologise. It was never on the menu at any Aussie KFC's. You think KFC would actually involve their brand with that?

Calling Palin a bimbo has nothing to do with her looks though. It just means she's vapid and unintelligent. Which she is. I don't get why anyone would call her a slut either. Even if you were someone who subscribed to the idea that a woman sleeping with a bunch of dudes is "slutty", she's been married to the same guy

So you're seriously saying that if you can't afford to bring a gift, you should just stay home and refuse to participate in people's celebrations?

Considering Gretchen mentioned that this bride has already had 4 parties this year where presumably Gretchen has provided a gift, I don't think there's anything wrong with her finally saying "I can't afford to spend anymore celebrating your life choices". Weddings these days are disgusting gimme-fests. Engagement

Ok, I do get that, but I think you really need to unpack the whole Western concept of a wedding and ask why people want weddings in the way they want them now when traditionally weddings have been very simple affairs. I completely understand women (and men) desiring a spouse and companionship. What I don’t understand

Where "troll" = "someone who disagrees with you".

13a. Remembering as you get into bed at 2am after marathoning The Wire that there's a load of laundry in the washing machine that needs to be hung out to dry.

You know there’s a reason that books on phrenology and the superiority of the white race aren’t mass produced anymore, right? If the market for a product dries up because times have moved on, why would anyone keep producing them? You can call it censorship all you like, but it’s just reality. If a retailer has a kid

Maybe the retailer has an 8 year old daughter and never thought about the sexist implications until it was pointed out to him/her? Maybe they’re not weak-willed at all, but open minded and actually interested in feedback from the target market of the product? Unless the kid was holding a gun to their head, they

I’m not saying you’re justifying the mothers actions. I’m saying this constant whining of “Why can’t the family she just destroyed be NICER to her” is stupid. She did an arsehole thing and got treated like an arsehole. Case closed.

You know, I’m getting real tired of hearing that people just need to be more tolerant of intolerance. Like, no matter how hateful and awful someone treats you, you just have to think about how maybe they didn’t get hugged enough as a child. I’m sorry, but fuck that. At what point do the victims of other peoples

I'm sorry, but that's just incredibly naive. You think people buy things because they just want them? There's an entire, multi-billion dollar industry set up to convince you to spend money on stuff you don't want until you're told you NEED it, but that will not improve your life in any meaningful way. The wedding

I hope you signed it. The greatest schadenfreude every would be watching the economies of those states tank as soon as the big bad fed isn't around to bail then out.

Yes, I addressed this in my response to someone else. Seriously? It’s the internet, settle down. You sound like you’re about to have a stroke.

Ok, first of all, I never said I was against the return of the marbles to Greece. The modern Greek government clearly understands the value in preserving items of historical importance. So I have no idea where you’re going with that Godwin argument. Thanks though, I always know an internet comment thread has hit

Hey, I’m sorry that historical facts (documented on Wikipedia, even!) give you the shits. Keep on being irrationally angry at people who point out things that occurred in history though. Good job.

You may be an arsehole, but you're a hilarious arsehole.