
Wow, that one YouTube clip sure shot down that guys comprehensive list of government sources and statistics.

I just want to lie there, quietly reading a magazine until he's done.

Why on earth would women care if men have "awesome sexual encounters" as long as it's all consensual and safe and we're accorded the same respect for our love lives? The alternative is to have really awful sexual encounters and what women wants to fuck a guy with that kind of history. I'm with Kirov, you don't

The men who don't act like angry babies about who other women want to fuck.

I find it interesting that you're sitting here telling women not to date jerks, rather than telling men not to be jerks. You sound like one of those guys who thinks any man that isn't you is automatically a jerk. Besides, no one knows what goes on within a relationship except for the people involved.

When Taylor makes a breakup song that incorporates Gregorian monk chants, then I might cut her some slack.

I've always gone Dutch or made the offer and I've always been the askee. I think dating "rules" are stupid. I expect every facet of my relationships to be equal.

I will always remember that moment when I was about 21 when I realised, "Holy shit, my mother was right all along. She really knew what she was talking about". I think if you're a wise and kind parent (which you sound like), most kids will have that lightbulb moment.

You were making a good point and people arguing with you are being wilfully obtu

But if there's video/pictures of her unconscious and video of the perpetrators admitting they were assaulting her as she was unconscious, isn't that just as invalid as an insanity defence?

It was in my sex ed class in Australia. But I went to a girls school, so I don't know what the guys were taught. It was made very clear to us that sex was only to happen on our timetable and when we really wanted to and that if a guy getswhiny and pushy he's probably not worth fucking in the first place.

"Man, why didn't the Civil Rights movement advocate for gay rights? How selfish were those guys?"...said no one ever. Yet women are expected to subsume their own goals for those of other groups?

Oh, I didn't realise your personal issues with one woman were cause for making blanket judgements over an entire gender.

You don't analogy good.

I hope you told your kid to control his emotional reaction and not cry.

Maybe if human emotions weren't seen as somehow inappropriate or unprofessional, then there wouldn't be such a rush to gossip about co-workers who dare to let their robot facade slip for one second. And, since out seems to matter to you, I've worked in offices for 15 years and manage a staff of 12.

I have a rule that I only post complaints if they're high in comedy value and will give people a laugh, even at my expense. Otherwise you're just "that" friend who ends up blocked because no one wants your whiny arse clogging their feed.

Oh lord yes, I worked at a police station for a few years. It was like high school with the gossip and the bitching and the Mean Girls groups.