They also overwhelmingly support the death penalty, abstinence only education and defunding any program whuch assists a woman to raise a child. Like George Carlin said "Pre-born: you're fine. Pre-school: you're fucked"
They also overwhelmingly support the death penalty, abstinence only education and defunding any program whuch assists a woman to raise a child. Like George Carlin said "Pre-born: you're fine. Pre-school: you're fucked"
You don't have to be a man to be misogynist.
An Aussie magazine called Frankie is the only one I buy. It has zero make up tips or sex articles and focuses on creativity, music, art, recipes, craft and, best of all, it's very funny. Its readership is growing in Australia, while readership for Cosmo and the other rags is falling. It seems that more and more women…
Since I stopped believing in unicorns my life has just been so empty and meaningless.
And in 400 years he'll come back and admit he had no idea what he was talking about. Typical Catholic.
More and more I start to wonder what I'm doing here. I've already checked out of Gawker due to all the racists. I'm thinking it might be time to leave Jez too.
Go read his blog about getting a woman drunk enough to come on her face because she had the audacity to make him go shopping with her.
Slamming a bunch of five dollar words together to make a fifty cent observation is in no way "profound".
If it needs to be rephrased to be understood , it's shitty writting.
When I was 19 I dated a guy pretty much identical to this. He got me pregnant and I had an abortion. Now he's an anti-vaccine proponent who randomly emails me about the health benefits of colonics and how he basically owns his wife who he forced into a homebirth having had zero medical check ups during her pregnancy.…
You don't know what consent means.
They all sound like total bastards so whoever loses, we all win.
93.7 percent of male rape perpetrators are male and 6.3 percent are female. So yes, the previous posters point stands. Men do commit most rapes against both males AND females, therefore teaching men not to rape seems like the best course of action. It is absolutely necessary to point it out because men seem to love…
It's sad we've got dickheads like KingDeez telling us we need to.
No, here's the problem. You're saying women put themselves in a position to be raped. If you can't understand why that is such a horrifying thing to say, then I really hope you don't have any female friends.
Mind. Blown. I guess Requiem for a Dream is so seared into my subconcious I assumed he was still that age too.
I don't know if you're just wilfully ignoring my point in order to convince yourself that you’re actually a victim of a cohort of manipulative she-wolves, rather than someone who just refuses to acknowledge the realities of human relationships, but I’ll break it down (even more) for you.
Nice Guys don't WANT a cold drink or a meal as repayment. They want sex or a relationship. This is the whole fucking issue. They aren't satisfied with the shit friends do (repay a favor with another favor or a case of beer or whatever), they think helping you move entitles them to be your boyfriend.
If you don't want to be friends DON'T ACT LIKE A FRIEND!