
Flavacol is what they use when making the popcorn, it’s not added on top afterwards. If you go to your local theater and ask them what they use, it will almost certainly be Flavacol (or a similar fine, butter-flavored salt), probably taken from a large plastic bag lined cardboard box with a little plastic scoop.

Flavacol is what they use when making the popcorn, it’s not added on top afterwards. If you go to your local theater

Flavacol is meant to be added to the popping oil, not as a shaker salt... I think your tastebuds have to be pretty fried if you think your popcorn needs this as a shaker salt. Movie theaters add this in popping oil with the popcorn kernels. We’re talking teaspoons, max... 1 pound of corn needs only 2 teaspoons of the

Flavacol is meant to be added to the popping oil, not as a shaker salt... I think your tastebuds have to be pretty

For fucks sake, get Erik Shilling off this blog.

I wish I could combine the moviepass with cinemark’s $8.99 club, that way it would only be costing MoviePass $9 a movie instead of $12-15.   Plus 20% off at the candy counter, would be a good deal all around.

Dynamic ticket pricing is a model that’s been around sports for years. While surge pricing is the dickish, one-sided version of that, it’s not surprising that it’s been implemented, especially when considering dynamic ticket pricing makes more sense when the venue is owned/operated by the same company as the content

I see this as no different from forgetting a wallet at the scene, and an officer picks it up to read the ID inside. Now if the officer took the address on the drivers license, went to the house, and went inside without a warrant, that’s more like accessing the data on the locked phone. Finding out who owns an item

There I fixed it for you with the assumption that he is Weapon System Office in the back seat of the fighter jet. I don't think the aircraft would be capable of doing a barrel roll with a stick input.

Is that the pilot or more likely the weapon system operator?

Because I'm less concerned with the privacy of my personal communications from government survailance than I am about the NSA being able to do its job and prevent a major terrorist attack that kills innocent people. I couldn't give a shit whether the NSA listens to my phone calls or reads my emails. I do give a shit

People just need to learn phone use while driving is bad juju in general, hands-free or not.

Cash grab or not... any method to get distracted drivers off the road is a God-send.

Most cities with a handheld cell phone ban have some wording about cars being in drive on a public thouroughfare. As a person who has been hit by a distracted texting driver, I don’t give a shit if they are cash grabbing. That cash grabbing is also sending a message( that isn’t in text form). I wish the penalties were

Ummmm... doesn’t google Inbox do the things you mention boomerang does? Wouldn’t it make more sense to use the free option?

Coppertone Water Babies Pure & Simple

Coppertone Water Babies Pure & Simple

Sad thing is, there are some sites that have a “mobile friendly site” that I still choose to view in desktop mode because the “mobile friendly” version is so terrible.

What a moron. How many McDonald’s trays do you own?

How’s your hotel bathrobe collection coming along?

Google is prepping iOS compatible software for Android watches right now, actually.

Google is prepping iOS compatible software for Android watches right now, actually.

Weeeeeeeeeeell... (Warning: I'm getting nit-picky here :-P Hahaha)

Just get Power Toggles instead, and you can roll numbers 1, 3, 4, 11 (hell, it'll even do #7) into a single extremely polished and handy app that also happens to do a whole bunch of other useful things.