
> millenial

@marshknute Winner of dumbest comment of the day.

You say you're not tech-illiterate yet you take your phone to a Verizon store because you couldn't find a way to undo something simple as revert back to your old icons?

Actually you are the idiot. I'm a neurosurgeon and the terms are interchangeable and mean the same thing. Extradural is used more in European medical circles and is an entirely correct term.


Just for a second. Just to see how it feels.

I enjoy commenting on Deadspin because every time I think I have gone immediately to the lowest common denominator, three burners come in and immediately get even more useless and stupid than I.

An amazing display, to be sure. But it is a little depressing to note that in the last seconds of the clip you can see the beginnings of the Parkinsonian tremor that would come to plague him in later years.

Just another couple of talking heads going on about a house burning down.

Clint Dempsey couldn't break into Tottenham's side.

(13-letter word) team!

The record books say that he broke the record by a yard, but that's only because they (reasonably) have to round up or down to the nearest yard. However, the truth is, he only beat Dempsey by half a foot.

And yet he was still disqualified. So, ya know, there's that.

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? HELL NO! And it ain't over now. 'Cause when the goin' gets tough... Wait... Ghana and Portugal, too? Shit.

What makes something money? I believe it is widely agreed on that the three most important criteria are: it's a useful means of payment, it's a store of value, and it has usage as a unit of account.

I used to space my term papers the same way to get to the page minimum.

It's a real Snoop Doggy Dogg world sometimes Red Sox fans, it's a shame it seems like the Yankees have complete free rain on the free agent world. Cheer up though for all intensive purposes with the length of the contract in could be a blessing in the sky.

I think people who have never driven a very high performance car have difficulty understanding how this could happen. If you drive a Civic really hard and throw it into a curve and the tires are screaming for mercy you may get the impression that you can drive well. You may have pulled some scary maneuvers in the

Conceding that I have a lifelong hatred of Presidents, Democrats, Congress, Kenyans Healthcare, needles, and heights, I'm looking forward to fairly examining the merits of Obamacare.

Story time: My little brother played 4th-5th grade rec basketball on the same team as Blake. I always got a kick out of seeing the look of absolute horror on some poor kid's face when they would occasionally foul Blake hard enough to cause one of his legs to pop off. (Knee high socks and long shorts hid his prosthesis