
Well done! Congrats!

That's exactly what I just did with my evening!

Miss you too! I have to take a vacation day to get to play on Jez!

I tried above. Let me know if it works...

The only way this could have been more awesome is if he'd said it like this.

...and this is why we are friends.

I don't think intense staring qualifies as body/facesnarking.

In the penguin's defense Newt has a history of being drawn to avian countenances/expressions.

Is it too late to declare a War On Starers?

Take a week to cool off and learn how to treat people.

I had to buyphotoshop for a srs bznss art project I'm working on so I shelled out the extra $300 to get the extended edition, which you can make .gifs in. I think...although you'd probably have to google me on this...some version of gimp would work for .gifs too.

I made a .gif to celebrate my favorite moment.

Your mom's unsure about her newfound fame...

I would have created a scrapbook of the many, many paparazzi shots where his Hamm roll is on display and shared it with him smiling awkwardly the whole time.

Exactly where my mind went.

THE QUEEN IN THE NORTH! THE QUEEN IN THE NORTH! THE QUEEN IN THE NORTH! I'm going to miss you so much, my dear! Keep writing and I'll keep reading!

That portion is blocked at my office, or it has something to do with Internet Explorer, the Scott Baio of web browsers.

This is getting a little threadjacky, feel free to continue dicussing this in #groupthink or in a different thread.

I'm only voting for anal in the hopes that it's combined with soufflé at the end.