
This marks the first occasion in which humans have ever been found on Queen Elizabeth’s Estate.

Oh, Johnny! I'm dying inside. Weir did we go wrong?

I feel like starting an It Gets Worse campaign for these assholes.

It works, hurrah!

It works, hurrah!

Testing commenting on my Kindle Fire.

Testing commenting on my Kindle Fire.

She should just borrow whatever Jesse J. is taking.

Height wise, $.50 is most definitely the biggest Diva. And wearing that coat, I'm ready for him to wisp me away on a terror-inducing-ferry-boat ride to the Chocolate Room.

I'm hoping there were some petticoat dysfunctions in response to this.

That's a tarrific idea!

This card is all-kinds-of wrong! It needs MOAR OF ROB'S ASS, preferably with a mistletoe g-string.

" I'm not going to be the first one to throw a stone."

I wish I could star you twice.

Oh, I know. Preggo horse-heart eating weirdos! And there's nothing nerd-alert about being a Game of Thrones fan in my book.

I cried four times.

His facial expression does nothing but to confirm this.

Didn't she already do the whole coming-out-of-the-wrong-end-of-a-turkey thing?

That's so clearly NOT what is going on here though.