
I think all religion is stupid and weird, so pitting Voodoo doll poking against transubstantiated zombie flesh eating doesn't really shock or move me, but the blackface—how could the director not see how totally fucked that is? I'm not throwing my Florence records into a funeral pyre of shame in some sort of

Maybe if it was just the voodoo, but the blackface pushes it over into the racist category for me.

I'm hoping there's some public response from her or the director, but I'm not going to go all Dixie Chicks and start burning my Florence records or anything.

I'd pay money not to lie on Marcus Bachmann's couch.

I hope someone makes a parody twitter account about the many (glazed over) facial expressions of Kathie Lee.

What's with the suspend(h)ers?

Moosejaw? More like Mooseknuckle.

Ever the follower, Shereé could only come up with a Halloween special, Who's Gonna Check Me, BOO? Shrieks by Shereé.

I'll seriously rethink ordering a #2 plain and dry the next time I go there.

How many times do I have to tell you bears don't wear sweaters!?!

I'll never understand parents defending their child's inalienable right to be a dick.

Could be worse...

Hear that sound? It's the dreams of straight women worldwide shattering.

Congrats OMG! PONIES! that was amazing!

That's what happens when you ban (roach) smoking on planes.

I kept getting her voice confused with Winnie The Pooh's in my head, Golden Girls DVDs to the rescue tonight.

Staring at a water glass!

God bless everyone one...of her crotch shots.

With all this science and lasers going on here, you'd think they'd be able to craft a cosmetic that would end the recession.

Plastics have always fucked up Christmas in my opinion.