Personally, I lost all love for food when I found out that professional chefs change it to taste better by using all kinds of fake spices and herbs and techniques. Also, I am convinced that things I have no idea how to do at a high level are incredibly easy and I could do them if I wanted to, which I don’t, so there.
[Secret Five-Eyes briefing room before Barr shows up]
One time I thought about it, but didn’t need to. I was coming home from a doctor’s appointment, and some kid saw my car and was trying to get me to race. When I didn’t bite, he started swerving around me, trying to taunt me into doing something. Fortunately, there was a speed trap he did that in front of, and the…
Bah. Your version is every bit as accurate—and more effective, I’d argue, because you don’t sound like a pompous jackass, which I do every time I open my mouth (or tap my keyboard).
Still, I appreciate the vote of confidence. However we say it, we’re of like mind on this one.
“I saw it as an opportunity to put to an end these alt-right claims—and then immediately caved to alt-right-flavored conspiracy theories in canning my donation, thus proving the initial assertions at least moderately accurate.”
the ball came spinning out counterclockwise because of the Oriolis Effect
My money is on stroke while rage-tweeting on the toilet.
“I think it’s the parents who have to grow up.”
To be fair, if there is ever a tornado bearing down on Michael Wilbon, I also hope that no one tells him.
I’m just happy to see that Kim Jung-un’s barber made it south.
Take it away, Ezra:
Jacobian relates to matrices. You’re thinking of Jacobean. Not to be confused with Jacobin, relating to French radicals in the revolutionary era.
but are you here all week?
It’s more fun this way.
Bad take of the decade.