
I, too, took economics in High School.

That generation was so ugly, rivaling the mid-70s level of awful Mustang design.

Now playing

You know, a basic HUD with just speed, tach and selected gear seems good enough. Maybe add a track map. Something simple should do the job handsomely.

Careful, Laura. There’s a subtle difference between child abuse and child ab use.

Thanks!  I also speak jive.

You know Mueller and so do I
A full jail commitment’s what I’m avoiding
You got sold out by someone who was your guy
I just wanna tell you how I’ve been stealing

The problem isn’t that the records are hard to find. They’re in the National Archives, because every White House since Reagan has been subject to the Presidential Records Act, to the point where the White House had an entire team of people with decades of experience in records management work for several months to

As much of a meme as this is, I would absolutely play it.

I just want Titanfall 3. The single player campaign of 2 was phenomenal. 

Not over the sound of weather or other ICE traffic.

Let’s not make this awkward.

We Waloway, We Waloway.

It really is that hard. All she has to do is turn and as long as you’re on screen, she never loses her lock on you. Of the handful of times that I’ve played as her, I’ve had enemies in the outer third of the screen and I never lost lock-on. She also has so much range that a Lucio boop does not break the lock on from

I’ll wait until carmax sells a Quadrifoglio for sub $35k and then I’ll go have a look lol

Can you imagine a car company doing something like that today? Circumventing a bad review by just... going to geographical places where that review would most likely to hold the least amount of weight?