Goddammit. Why would you do that?
Goddammit. Why would you do that?
Ohh fuck you.
Hi, CPA here, taxation is not driven by who has physical custody of cash. Just like when money gets loaded onto the Brinks truck and they don’t get taxed. To be considered a gift the money would have to be given with no strings attached. Now please stop.
child. its a child.
I’ve been married 16 years and also get screamed at every time I try to get my wife to spread her legs.
Now you’re making up shit.
I doubt it. But a lot of people are willing to hand-wave away crap like - im fighting myself in an MP map. Or weird inconsistencies for the sake of fun. At no point has anyone in the previous comments actually said it’s good writing. It’s just something enjoyable to flesh out the characters to make them more unique. …
I like you, we’re friends now.
I’d settle just for the reaction times and physical fitness to effectively race one of these.
I guess the plant was really... booming.
Whenever Mrs Lizardo questions my decision making I just remind her that she married me so hers is worse.
He was good, friendly, affable, generous man. With a family. A small daughter. Who tortured and killed animals to entertain a mob.
Look at the millions of cars they’re selling in the US. They’re bad cars, that’s why people are buying them. If they were really good cars, nobody would buy them. That’s why nobody bought Trump Steaks. They were good steaks. The best steaks.
Could you summarize why are you offended tired in one sentence? I got lost when we started talking clothing.
This article is a classical example of absurdity.
Brazilian people love soccer more than religion.To them soccer is a religion. It is not a “black man” liking and being good at sports. It is a Brazilian who loves his country and his religion ( soccer ).