We all know how this story will end.
No no no no. I write all this stuff and then get a chance to ask the very people who made it about it? You don’t turn down these sorts of opportunities.
Irrelevant to the question as the cause of fatalities listed are not related to mechanical failure of a vehicle, therefore does not indicate benefit or lack there of, of vehicle inspections.
I’m originally from Pennsylvania where they have fairly stringent safety inspections and also lived in Kentucky where there was absolutely none.
As a fake internet attorney, let me preemptively address the knotty legal arguments from those who would ask “What about his right to free speech?”: Shut the fuck up you fucking idiot
That’s what she said.
I heard about, and was looking at, this last night.
Here’s my entry for “let’s do it”:
look we already got speedracer we can’t get greedy
Readers, if you also don’t mind: a round of applause for Stef and Kurt, who have been covering and shooting the hell out of this race for the past 24+ hours and have done an amazing job.
it’s the fact that you will never swap away from her for any reason. You’re not a team player, you go into competitive expecting others to tank and heal for you and won’t adapt, ever. You’ve had teams plead you to take something else, we were clearly losing and we all made swaps to try a different strategy but you…
I hate like-pandering. I hate it so much. If you have to beg people to hit the like button, you’re not likeable enough. Stop. STOP.
...this article is what defines you as a blogger and not a journalist. Just saying. ¬_¬
Fucking hell, guys. Stop making Nintendo fan games. It’s a waste of passion, time and effort.