
“We hate illegal immigrants so much we want to release them into our country!”

“Hey ICE, you know all those immigrants you rounded up? What if we let them all go?”

The fun part’s going to be when somebody figures out how to get the extra juice out of the Model 3 without paying Tesla. People are able to overclock processors without asking for the company for permission, this shouldn’t be any different.

“We hate illegal immigrants so much we want to release them into our country!”

“Hey ICE, you know all those immigrants you rounded up? What if we let them all go?”

There’s so much irony here.

“His relative is more interested in helping humanity. I mean, what the hell is wrong with her?”

“Of course you don’t know who we are, you’re not Rich.”


I’m presuming the very next slide said:

Water polo, you mean hockey?

If four US Presidents have been assassinated by someone with a gun and the US gun laws still haven’t been changed, I don’t see kids being shot at a school being enough to do anything different.

“Hey guys, know how loot boxes are slowly going away because it’s considered gambling? What if, instead, we let players do actual gambling?”

Yeah, I’m sure the police won’t mind me doing 40+ when the speed limit is 25.

Oh look, a bad take.

The term ‘fag’ is widely used as a general insult and often-times when it’s used, it’s not targeting that specific group of people.

I think that’s how it looks when you make a ‘thread’ of your messages on Twitter, so the messages are connected to each other. (I do not use Twitter but I’ve roughly heard about this.) So for the second and third tweets there, it would read as “I will be meeting with their (etc. etc.)“ Or maybe he just does that in

This aged well, but in the ironic sense.


That’s damn bullshit. Parents get charged for child endangerment for things like letting them play across the street in the park alone and spanking. How does this “not rise to the level of criminal charges?” 

I hate to say it but, that not actually true, since the 1970s. You just copyright it as choreography.