Hulk... smash?
Hulk... smash?
Obama wasn’t a massive fucking asshole.
Kinja willing.
David Beckham eat your heart out.
Oddly, this is the same logic for why I go into moshpits.
No, that’s New Zealand. An Australian told me so.
This is indeed a good take.
That may be true about the sounds of the tires but, it ignores the numerous situations where there’s other noises in the area that are so loud it drowns out the sound of the tires (winds, etc.). I’d say it’s more common that I won’t be able to hear the EV’s tires due to other noise than the area being dead silent so…
Here you go. Load up this first youtube link for race feed, then load up the second youtube link for radio lemans commentary, and just sync up the race clocks on both screens.
No, the designer specifically said it looks like the rear of a 911 because he’s a fan of the 911.
I’m okay with that.
Literally anybody who needs to walk to get somewhere. That’s an incredibly stupid question you fucking twat.
Right, so just because the person doesn’t *look* like a woman to you, they’d have to get gender reassignment surgery first just so they like enough like a woman for you before you’ll accept them being in the bathroom? Piss off.
Well no shit it’s not the same, that’s why it’s called the average. You know the people who’s wages most frequently increased? The people who make so much damn money they don’t care what the gas prices are.
What you *should* be doing and what was *supposed* to happen is irrelevant, what’s *actually* happening is matters. You have to remember that the average wages in the US haven’t really risen much in years. Wage averages were *supposed* to go up, but they’re didn’t, and that’s an important factor.
Hm, perhaps but, on the other hand: No, fuck that guy.
Yo! So check this out. We all love Initial D anime (cars and drifting! woooo!). There’s actually an anime called Two Car about sidecar racing! It looks like they’re all female racers from what I can tell, which is cool. I’ve never watched it but, I know of the show due to some trailers.
“If he’s so stupid, why do you keep covering everything he does?”