They were talking about an Aston Martin, if I heard correctly.
They were talking about an Aston Martin, if I heard correctly.
I *hate* always-on headlights. I don’t need you people blinding me in the middle of a bright sunny day with your damn super-bright LED lights. Fill in other reasons at your leisure.
Stop trying to make F1 American! People put *way too much* importance on the NFL draft as it is.
If previous Nazi association by a company was a condition, nobody would buy Mercedes Benz or Volkswagen. Plus both founders are already dead.
Adidas: “You idiots keep buying these shitty shoes of his so we’re going to keep letting you.”
No. This is the same person that said the Confederate flag was suddenly no longer a symbol of hate all because he wore it on a jacket once. This song changes nothing. Kanye is a massive idiot who’s drinking out of the trump soup.
I liked the various articles from Kristen but this video just pushed it over the edge, I absolutely adore her now. I love when people have that level of light hearted attitude and sass. I can only encourage this behavior.
Classic Drew.
Let’s just put it out there:
Changing her class to be a defense hero isn’t going to make any difference because people already use her as a defense hero. It’s precisely *why* they’re changer her classification. We’ve been ranting at Blizzard since release that she’s should be labeled as defense.
It really is that hard. All she has to do is turn and as long as you’re on screen, she never loses her lock on you. Of the handful of times that I’ve played as her, I’ve had enemies in the outer third of the screen and I never lost lock-on. She also has so much range that a Lucio boop does not break the lock on from…
They have at least 150 of them.
actions would show it throughout the year.
If a company holds a “we care” day, then they’re only trying to make people think they care. If a company actually does care then they don’t need a day for it, their actions would show it throughout the year.
“We care” days are nothing but proof that you don’t. A few employees that care doesn’t mean the company does.
You had me at Sabaton.
I don’t know, you did great on the Magnus Racing team’s stream at God knows what hour of the morning.
Sure, let’s just close a company that’s worth a few billion just because of a few bad articles. That makes MASSIVE business sense.