
I love these. They are the exact type of arguments my coworkers have about random stuff all day.

Carguments is f’ing brilliant and to say otherwise is to lie through your teeth!


Schadenfreude, my favourite word. Bless the Germans for that one.

To directly quote Jalopnik from the post I just linked you:

As it has been stated time and time again: There’s no such things as spoilers for live sporting events. Jalopnik already covered this in articles both three years ago and five years ago. The news world does not revolve around you not wanting to know the results.  

Adding a lip only makes it look “decent,” not “good.” I expect far better than “decent” from Aston Martin.

Counterpoint: It’s terrible and looks like a damn fish missing its lower jaw.

It only looks decent on the race cars because there’s a bottom lip.

Yeah, the lollipop! I had just posted another comment saying that’d likely have prevented this buy couldn’t remember the official term, or nickname, for it.

Oh man, I just looked this up.

Wouldn’t much of this have been prevented by having one person with that pit stop marker/flag-thing like they do in the endurance races? I sort of get how it’d be in front of the person with the front jack but, having a guy who’s only purpose is to lift the marker when he sees that everybody is clear would take care

Out in the farmlands I saw a speed limit sign.
Speed limit: 60
School zone speed limit: 50
I saw no school for miles.

Those are just randomly placed speed bumps.

He’s talking nonsense. The first two are *excellent.* There’s no reason not to play them for how cheap they are these days. Hours of wonderful gameplay for mere dollars.

Suckers, you can get that plate in the US for about 57 bucks, and if it’s already taken in one state there’s 49 others available.

The grid girls don’t like the change because now they don’t have a job. Yeah, it’s a job to them but, it’s also a job that adds literally nothing to the race and for everybody else, the only purpose is for the women to be stared at. The races do not lose anything beyond “pretty women to look at.” I’m of the same

You’re completely missing the point. Don’t shit on things that other people might not know just because you know it. It makes you sound like a dick.

Miami bros have a blend of surfer bro included, so long hair (occasionally tied up) is acceptable.

You’re forgetting that money is power to these people.

I didn’t realize Ikea used Ferraris as company vehicles.