
Don't you think there would be a question of transparency if HR noticed her application contained information her resume didn't? I'm no expert either, just curious about this.

I cant stop reading message boards. Especially the etiquette ones. These people are insane. It makes me feel so much better about myself. I need help.

Fellow writers! I've been submitting my writing to all these journals and whatnot and keep getting soulless rejection letters in return, but I finally got an encouraging rejection with actual feedback! I know this is probably lowering my standards, but at this point, it feels like an acceptance. I GOT LET DOWN

I kind of had a reality check last night. It was my friends birthday and I agreed to be the designated driver so she could go out and have fun. She's a beautiful woman, truly. She KNOWS she's beautiful, and it's not about confidence but rather arrogance. I think she has a good heart but I also think she's