At the end of the day, I still prefer Nintendo, the game-first, business-second company that they come across as, as opposed to the business-first, games-second mentality of so many other greedy companies.
At the end of the day, I still prefer Nintendo, the game-first, business-second company that they come across as, as opposed to the business-first, games-second mentality of so many other greedy companies.
What I read here is: Instead of pools, we decided walls were more fun and everyone knows the Sims interact with walls more than pools so we got rid of those useless pools. A world without pools is more relatable to our customers since they don't exist in their yards after all.. ya know, since we will bleed them dry…
The kid you mentioned in the third update seriously bothered me. If I gave my Daughter something and she threw it in the trash she wouldn't get her iPad back, she would have all her toys taken away until she learned the value of money and hard work, and had some goddamn respect.
I can't have children now.
Go ahead and make a Business Strategy for a Video Game company without mentioning or referring to video games.
I do not understand video games and I even feel angry because, at Nintendo's shareholders' meetings, the shareholders always discuss things relating to video games or such childish topics as "what the future of video games should be," while I, for one, was flabbergasted that Mr. Iwata continues to hold his position…
Actually it did work Chris. I say this as someone who has spent years working in the gaming industry...and lives right near the Nintendo campus in Redmond.
I for one am all for this precedent. Especially when cheaters are blatantly profiting off harming the game and nothing can typically be done against them.
That sound you just heard was the entire State of Ohio getting a LeBoner.
Oh sure. But when J.J. Redick exercises the same option, he's a pariah.
Wow, I'm sure glad GOG exists so I can play, like, 5% of the game's offered by Steam.
"The Fun" ought to be a Metal Gear Solid antagonist haha.
As a consumer I'd say no to an Early Access program. While there have been a few success stories there have been too many cases of mis-sold products, abandoning of the game by the devs and being of a much lower quality. Betas are different as they are usually free and require no money upfront (pre-orders can be…
Oh man, i hope that doesn't go through. The early access system as is, is NOT a good thing.
I'm actually more critical of gay characters than I am straight characters. If you're going to DARE represent me with one of the few characters, you better do a damn good job of it. More often than that, representations of me SUCK. I'm looking at you, Dragon Age.
careful, they'll label you sexist if you don't agree with them.
I really thought Rocksteady had been deliberately loose with the no-kill rule all along. I have always wondered about the people batman fought in Arkham City. The game explicitly shows you that the temperatures that night are super damned cold, and the people constantly talk about the lack of adequate food, shelter,…