
You don’t get to say “keep my wife’s name out of your mouth” when your wife’s entire career is based around keeping her name in people’s mouths.

I would pay a large amount of money to see professional martial artist and large man Dave Bautista smack Cernovich and Probosiec’s heads together like a couple of fascist coconuts.

He explains privilege better than anyone I’ve ever read or heard.

I miss Houston — moved to Charlotte for a job this are my tips as a native Houstonian:

Ahh Houston, a great place to live... a shitty place to vacation in.

I am finally hopeful. I feel this could actually happen (and whoever did it, is amazing.)


Besh, please.

Can you picture yourself under any circumstances putting Trump’s head in your mouth?

People who are worried that thin-shaming is anywhere near as crippling as fat-shaming, please take this short quiz: