Cullen Bloodstone

The Avengers

And it better damned well be Katie Sackoff...

Once again I find myself appreciating Marvel's commitment to gratuitous male nudity.

So, Durkon Thundershield has been right all along...

I've been wondering this myself. Perhaps even weirder, you could presumably eat meat cultured from your own cells if you wanted to: I wouldn't, personally, given that my diet is terrible...

KURU is a prion, which means it's even smaller that a virus. It's a chunk of a protein. It only lives in brains, and the only way to get it is eating or handling infected brains. Like Mad Cow.

Kuru huh?? That's the disease they used in Dead Island to explain the Zombies. After it mutated of course... Guess I'm gonna have to do a lil research

Yes people. If you are not already reading and loving this comic. Well, then you have no soul and the only way to get one is to start reading it. Because the art is amazing and the writing is fresh. So get on that. Nooooooow!

So say we all...

Because why the hell not? :p

Here's hoping!

May I be one of the first to light the bonfire?

... breathed new life indeed ... over and over again.

Funny thing about the "quality" of a scan. I can take a scan from hospital A to a radiologist at hospital B and the radiologist will complain about the poor quality of the scan. I can then take a scan from hospital B to a radiologist at hospital A and get exactly the same response. This has been true across the 15 or

If we consider the protagonist of a story to be the character than changes the most, than I'd say that Avatar: The Last Airbender is really as much about Zuko's hero journey as Aang's.

Doctor Who

Don't forget his friend!

Pabu is right up there as well.