Steam is kind of a pain in the ass to use though.
Steam is kind of a pain in the ass to use though.
I don't belong to any class, so does that mean I can't marry at all?
I just hope the first one doesn't reduce the number of manager ejections over a season. That's one of the liveliest and most entertaining parts of baseball.
If you were fearing the worst for Agent 47, then you might be pleasantly surprised by the trailer for the upcoming Hitman adaptation.
Doesn't matter how cheap it is, I will never pay for Amazon Prime so long as their undeletable bloatware app sits on my Playstation menu.
Doesn't matter how cheap it is, I will never pay for Amazon Prime so long as their undeletable bloatware app sits on…
Doesn't matter what it costs, I will never sign up for Amazon Prime so long as that undeletable bloatware app sits on my PS3 home screen.
32. Cubone
I'm not buying it. How could they possibly know what attendance numbers are like when the Astros are doing well?
Step 1: Stay home
Almost as good as Chuck Nazty's walk-up song, which the fans can (and do) sing along to.
I must have missed the earlier story where you posted tweets from people supporting Michael Sam kissing his boyfriend.
The greatest thing about the internet is that we no longer have to wait around impatiently for people to hate on things that we like. We can just assume they're going to hate on it and call them jerks presumptively. It cuts down on all that linking to what they said and understanding the context and engaging with the…