
@BackSeat: Nah. That's a completely sanctioned tactic. DICE did that intentionally.

@DrowningInMercy: The only one of those tactics that is screwy is the UAV one, but, frankly, you should be playing HC with FF off.

I don't know if anyone noticed.........

@Ghoti4: Ah yeah. Ouch.

@antonchigurh: Just a coincidence. I used to drive from Nashville to San Destin for college events, and the portion just south of the florida/goergia border was friggin crazy backwards. No cell signal.

@Tzalaf: I had a Master of Wine tell me that your assumption, while generally accurate, is not always true. So be careful.

@alexmg2420: Pop the cork out with the knife? You aren't grasping how this works, and I'm not sure you've ever opened a bottle before.

@thefirebuilds: So you didn't graduate in the 2000's or the 1990's, so you were listening to them in the 1980s? That's neat. They were in their mid teens...

ME2 and BC2.

I disagree with MoH. I thought the single player was quite fun, but way, way too short.

@CurtD032: Kanye is not the only major artist to sample their music. My guess is that you've heard all the others without realizing it.

@Dregas: I stopped reading at "good Dubstep." We'll have to agree to disagree.

@antonchigurh: You know, my gf is from Sarasota, and she just doesn't get how much terrible, weird stuff happens there. It's like she won't believe it, or doesn't want to.

@soap_box: "Fuss" is foot in German. Just takes a little rearranging and re-pronouncing to get to foosball.

@Karnivore: One of the most influential bands in the history of their genre.

@4thletter: 5 years? They've been big for well over a decade.

@McWeary: You know you can edit your posts, right?

@thecloser7: Yeah that's where my eyes went, too.