
No ME2 launch trailer? What is this?

No, this is wrong! My boy Garrus would never let his image be defiled like this.

@OMGWTF_BBQ: That's fair, but one of the thing my friend and I both commented on is how not heavy it was. Feels little more weighty, sure, but it's nice. Don't rule it out.

@ProudGeek: Awhile. I've got all my itunes stuff on my Droid.

@ProudGeek: You aren't much of a geek and I wouldn't be proud of not knowing something so important.

@PythonC: Yeah I've got just under 200hrs in BC2. Still had plenty of time to play ME2, which came out before BC2.

@PythonC: Mass Effect 2. Where you been?

@alt1: Sounds about right.

I realize that different things are considered attractive in Japan - Genki and all that - but some of those models are downright unattractive.

@OMGWTF_BBQ: My buddy has an Evo, bought a larger battery for it, and never has to worry about charge.

I've had many drinks in my life, but I don't think I've ever seen, let alone had, a layered shot. Weird.

@Thus Spake Zarathustra: And they're all in Manhattan or Brooklyn? Then they're just lazy, frankly. If they live in NJ or CT, that's a different story.

Very cool story. Would have liked a bit more detail on how the conversation with the owner went down.

@secretmanofagent: OP's post: "Because this happens every year in Chicago and during the five years I lived there, they never once shut down the city for more than like three hours."

@pseudorocket: Unfortunately, you cannot depend on either automatic failsafes or human-operated failsafes to work 100% of the time.

@Thus Spake Zarathustra: Plows were out yesterday in the late afternoon. Whole fleets of them all over the city. Usually five in a \ formation to clear the MAIN roads. They worked all night.

@pseudorocket: There are no automatic failsafes for the reasons listed in the article, and they did discuss backup generators.