
@yantelope: ME2 by a long shot. RDR was good but I wasn't grabbed by the story. The voice acting wasn't nearly as good as ME2's.

New Vegas question and NCR ending spoilers follow:

@badbob001: Yeah, we don't know bad snow storms or cold weather here. DC was shut down for a week last year, and my friend said that major suburban streets had unplowed 12''+ snow layers for the whole week. And that's nothing compared to the mid-west.

@Phlycheez: We did plenty of that. Took about 5 people worth of landmines and a C4 detonator. You could send an Abrams very far.

@Evilsoda: NV is awesome. Even more immersive than FO3.

SOMEBODY isn't playing in hardcore mode.

@biogeek71: Still on the list. There's a thread on minecraftforums where somebody assembled all of the things Notch has mentioned. I'd link it but it's blocked at work.

@typica1cat: Tank fail. Turret can only move 60-70 degrees!

@Jerm Deeks: The chance that this tech is applied to a device that is no longer on the market is exactly zero.

@badbob001: I didn't say that we never had snow, just that it rarely sticks, which is true. We had few good storms last year, yes.

@Mattz: I have a deep, radio-ish voice. I could voice it.

@Jimmy_Jazz: A bit buggy but hardly broken. No need to be sensationalist.

Man...those kids are messed up. Do they have any chance of being rehabilitated? They sound like serial killers. Dyed in the wool killers. Cold-blooded, methodical and thorough.

@ZFK: Nah. Snows a bit in winter, but it rarely sticks.

@Metatron: I'm jealous of how many games he gets to play.