
@Laertus: Validate the files through steam or try a reinstall. Has fixed random crashes for me before.

You've got red on you, Sean.

@Chrystolis: Ah yes. My samurai have been devastating to the russians. Trebuchets are nice to soften them up, but 2xsamurai+great general = steamroll.

@Chrystolis: See the bottleneck is the sort of challenge I would embrace. If you were actually commanding an army like that, it'd be a challenge you'd have to handle.

@Laertus: Solid as a rock for me. Are you sure it isn't your system?

@ifandbut: Psh. I made a 40x40 cobblestone wall around my spawn, which happened to be partially on a lake. I never leave it! Everything is well lit and safe...except for my massive mines of doom.

@KaneRobot: Yeah, well then the episodes didn't sell very well, and they had to do some collar pulling...

@davidgreen360: Can you actually level up that way or is the leveling system different than most MMOs'? I had a GM smith in Ultima Online that I miss dearly.

@Dodgerwd: It's true. I made a female alt in Aion. She was very popular, despite all the others that looked exactly the same.

@DemiSouls: Aion had such great art design, but became so grindy at 35+.

@doubledeckard: Harris is too frail to be Dumbledore. I see what you're saying about his warmth, but I think Gambon portrays it well.

@Spaceknight: Having recently read it, I can easily see how they get 4 hours out of it.

@bcurran: I did. Tested with 2012 in 720p, streamed and from my bluray player.

@Fanboy: So you agree with the MS figure that bluray and a zune-streamed movie will look just as good?

@Islandkiwi: If someone gave you a junk car to drive around, would you never lust for a nicer one?

Well when I compare my xbox's wireless netflix streaming quality with my bluray is not comparable.