
@Cory: I suppose we have different definitions of obnoxious.

@NoobixCube: Me trolling him? I'm just trying to get him to back off. I see your point, though.

@Cory: Wait..what? I don't have a subscription to PM. That situation was hypothetical.

@Cory: I'm not even sure how to respond to this.

Why was Linda Hamilton's face so actively blurred/airbrushed? To hide wrinkles?

@Cash907Censored: I thought she was funny! My take is that her character is supposed to be stiff and snarky. We shall see how it progresses.

@Cory: "Strange how I don't see your name listed as an editor." How is that relevant?

Could this have anything to do with the moon being INSANELY bright last night? My girlfriend woke me up at some ungodly hour with a "Holy sh*t!" and instructed me to look at the blinding thing that turned out to be the moon.

@Mooncow27: Oh wow. That brings me back.

@PigletLUV: Would you suggest hammering out cities and workers until you have 3 cities with at least one worker, then proceeding with military?

Civ V: Is it important to build workers or settlers at first? I made two cities straight away, then spent time making military units. At around 1000BC, my two cities are doing well, but I have no idea how I'm supposed to research tons of tech and build enough armies to conquer the world.

@Jpier: Reboot was fantastic. Fantaaastic. Wish it were still around.

@josh6135: You really don't need to hold your ear while they expand...

@Snow leopard: The problem with those people that you can hear in the subway is that they think their earbuds do not have a L/R designation, so they put them in reversed by accident and the sound isn't properly contained.

@metronome49: I remember from a recent maxim that she appreciated all the fan love for leeloo. She says that she thinks of that character as a special one.

@N-Robes: I didn't actually yell that =P