To be fair though, they changed the damage ratio for fall damage compared to the last game. Something that would have only taken 1/3 of your HP is now a 100% instant-death. Even that kitty ring doesn't do much in reduction.
To be fair though, they changed the damage ratio for fall damage compared to the last game. Something that would have only taken 1/3 of your HP is now a 100% instant-death. Even that kitty ring doesn't do much in reduction.
I haven't played a game on my mobile phone in about 2 years because I'm either at work, driving, or at home: where I have my consoles and my PC. Mobile gaming doesn't work for everyone.
:)! Thank you! I've always wanted to go to PAX East, but I never know when to book tickets. They're always unavailable whenever I look.
That's unfortunate. I hope they take the time to implement everything they plan on. It's always a shame when games get rushed because of consumer demand.
Is there a projected release date for this game? Unfortunately, I'm unable to watch the video at the moment, but if someone could let me know I'd really appreciate it. Looks amazing!
Visions of man and then woman.
Imminent Beanpole.
Destroy but hole.
Whatever the menu or the function, the 'A' button shall move players one step forward, while the 'B' button shall move players one step back, eventually landing them in the main menu. (Or, "X" and "O" for PlayStation.) The 'B' button shall not be required to get players into the game (we are looking at you, Mass…
10. Thou Shalt Allow Players To Skip The Splash Screens
I can't say enough about the Majula theme from Dark Souls II. There's so much space; it's so beautiful, and mournful, and still. The Emerald Herald, standing by a bonfire and overlooking the sea. A lost knight with his head in his hands. And somewhere… a bunch of pigs waiting to kill you.
Totally RADICAL!
Am I the only one who read this article with this theme stuck in their head?
Everyone should remember that like the original this one should also be moddable. I'm sure we'll see some texture fixes/improvements.
No. It's the line Arya used when taking her sword back. "Pretty sword. Perhaps I should pick my teeth with it.."
For some reason this video makes me want a cat. Not a fighting one in this video (unless it's Puss N' Boots, cuz he's awesome). Does anyone have tips on what breed I should get, and what behaviors to look for when picking?