Not true. 3.0 is basically scrapping all the old relics. There will be a brand new relic chain. Also gear is relatively easy to get caught up on now. Not to mention, 3 new classes = lots of people will be low level when it comes out.
Not true. 3.0 is basically scrapping all the old relics. There will be a brand new relic chain. Also gear is relatively easy to get caught up on now. Not to mention, 3 new classes = lots of people will be low level when it comes out.
I'm in the same boat as you, sir.
This reminds me of the A Rank / S Rank hunts, as well as Odin and Behemoth in FFXIV. Someone will shout out the location of one of these and in 3 minutes your client will just start lagging due to over a hundred people being there. It doesn't matter if you're on console or if you have the fastest PC out there. You…
I kind of wish Sega returned to their roots and released a Phantasy Star standalone RPG instead of those MMOs, but that's just me.
You sir, made me lose my shit. Good job.
It's also a grimoir card
Hidden no longer.
Wow. I recently bought my PS4 and was planning on buying this game to play over the weekend. Glad I caught this, or I'd be thoroughly disappointed.
Erm. FFXIV does have an alliance system. It was released in the 2.35 patch 2 months ago. So yes, you can form up 3 separate parties, alliance them, and then go into the raid. Apart from that everything else you said here is true.
But does it have English subtitles?
I already own the PS2 one, which I played an embarrassing amount of, but I would rebuy if they released it on Steam in high-res.
I have to agree with Outrider here.
A lot of the music in PSIII was really good. Too bad the gameplay sucked :(
:D Glad you're enjoying it!
You lost all your credibility in that last sentence :(
You there...... I agree with your anime choices. Carry on.