Looks to me like that 6pack of "Bud Light Strawberry-Ritas" is about to Roll Tide...
Looks to me like that 6pack of "Bud Light Strawberry-Ritas" is about to Roll Tide...
It looks like Everton's "stand around and hope Chelsea doesn't score a goal" defense doesn't really work very well
Probably unfortunate because people wanted him to play better, not that it was a bad decision by the Rams. Come on.
You're a moron.
Paragraph 6:
As was mentioned in the original post, there are plenty of organizations that keep and share those statistics already. Like the police, for example.
What a fucking piece of shit. I wish I could put some kind of witty spin on it, but honestly, fuck this guy.
Congrats to S Korea.
Yikes man. That guy should not be anywhere near that protest. He's scared shitless. His finger is trembling on that hair-trigger.
If he had any sense, he would point his gun at the real threat: diabetes.
The cop was later asked to write an essay on exemplary policing for the Washington Post.
What about for 2014?
My favorite part is that this project (which is great) has fewer rules than Gawker's how-to-comment-screed.
Perhaps the better tribute would have been to let the Brown guys win.
"So we figured, hey, let's draw attention to racial inequalities in America by walking hand-in-hand out from this inflatable thing with a purple injun on it."
Cleveland receivers made the same gesture, but only because Johnny Manziel kept throwing the ball way the fuck over their heads.
But really, what does it take to make the whole state of Rhode Island jump?
Oh sure, but when I force crying little boys to hug me, it's a completely different story.
Yeah, but think of how fuckin' good the speech would have been if they'd won.