
That would explain a lot.

Here’s some free legal advice from an actual lawyer: obey the law at all times. That means don’t punch people, even if they seem pretty punchable.

Those are wise words, kindly said. Thank you

It’s messed up to assume she only got in because of the donation. She didn’t do anything wrong here and neither did he

Dre donated a bundle of money. 6 years later his daughter got accepted without anyone breaking the law. He’s a proud dad and he threw shade at people who deserve the hell out of it. I’m not seeing anything to criticize here, and definitely wouldn’t assume the girl wasn’t qualified. Gee, maybe a family that donates

Too bad “don’t rape” isn’t one of those rules. No snark, no sarcasm. It is NOT one of the rules and I wish it were. (See Exodus on rules regarding sexual abuse of female slaves.) 

I’m kinda hoping the Catholic Church will make ‘Don’t hurt children’ one of their rules. The SF Church of Satan did it in 1966.

The Church disapproves of normal, law-abiding gay lay people. But same-sex rape by a priest is okay. Why do sociopaths so often get to make the rules?


Or he could have left the hashtag up. But calling people names and telling them to kill themselves was nuts. I agree, she was super polite.

I'd never heard the term either and I assumed he also didn't know it. There was no reason to apologize for using the term thinspiration. It was calling people cunts, telling them to eat shit and encouraging suicide that is unforgivable.

15% tip is part of the cost of the meal. If you object to it, eat at home.

You have nothing to feel guilty about. You did no wrong. When people are in emergencies, they revert to their habits. Some people escaping airplane crashes try to retrieve their carryon luggage and line up in the aisles. Just habit.

Defamation is civil law not criminal.

Solicitation if he encouraged it. A misdemeanor according to Ohio law for failure to report a crime. If he helped carry her, then probably kidnapping. If he covered it up, then accessory after the fact. There's more. And, yeah, I am a lawyer.

Of course you're right this idiot has free speech. Personally, I agree that he did not have a legal duty to report the crime. He had a moral duty not just to report it, but to stop it. Why on Earth did Nature bestow superior strength to men if not so that they could protect women and children? He doesn't deserve to be