
In Texas the right to refuse is like most other states, you can’t discriminate for reasons of sexual orientation, race, religion or gender. Everything else is up for grabs, don’t like their hair-cool, don’t serve them. Clubs and restaurants/bars do this all the time with clothing to keep out minorities with so-called

We’ll have to find what the tyrannical regime du jour does hours later, instead of right then!

It depends on the state. We used to have to do the razor blade thing on plates in Texas, but over 10 years ago they stopped this practice. Now it's a tag inside on the windshield. Problem solved.

The simple fact that new laws have been passed, since the most recent swine flu "epidemic," stating that these vaccine manufacturer cannot be sued if the vaccines kills the patient makes me think twice about taking one. It basically absolves them of any responsibility.

Maybe it's got something to do with this: []