
where to start, I fucking hate videos like this so much, it's total bullshit from start to finish...

I'm 6'4", flying commercial has always sucked especially if I wasn't able to get the emergency row, i don't see this getting any better, this will be the norm more than the exception. I miss my dad's Piper Apache, no problems with legroom there.

I wouldn't even know where to get such a thing :(

this would be a perfect article to post a comment with that wierd guy from that television show with the whacked out hair talking about illegal aliens and stuff.

I'll let you in on a little secret, an ATM transaction from start to finish runs a bank about 3-4 cents yet they want to charge you $5 a month, how many transactions on your ATM do you do a month to justify that $5?

what happens when i forget to plug in my perch to remind me to pack my charger? total protonic reversal?

on a semi-related note, take a head of garlic, cut just the top 1/4 inch off so all the heads in the clove should have their tops removed and exposed.

beautiful man *tear*

why should death be a sad thing, we don't know what's on the other side and don't even bring any of the 40 religions into this, i don't want to hear what your sunday morning money takers have to say. maybe life is the sad thing and the dead are mourning us?

+1 on the filters, mine came with a 1 year supply of the disk filters, highly recommended. I've never had a piece of bean get past it yet.

go to Amazon and look up the AeroPress, it's inexpensive and makes the best cup of coffee I've ever had, no bitterness, just creamy caffinated goodness, I doubt I even spelled caffinated right which means I just mispelled it twice...go me!

not everyone has that option, some software which is required by some companies does not work on a rooted phone. DUH

anyone tells my mom i'm watching Zombie Strippers and I'll kill ya, even though i'm 43 and she's 80...I'll kill ya

you're a mean onnnne..mister glitch

someone star this man, ASAP

inventions becoming reality, we're so close to submarines with screen doors, get on it people!

sorry but Lexus takes the prize for most annoying, pretentious "makes me want to kill someone" advertising.

at 3 million a pop just when does a wind farm become profitable?

what you more need? this speed up reading of articles and yoda reference all one in

+1 if not now then when is an appropriate time? an armed society is a polite society.