
nom nom nom...Steve was delicious!

"Steve had just finished eating a peanut butter Snickers"

more likely to be shot by a satellite while hunting Dick Cheney

my wife says i got them beat, hands down!

nope, never

I love that picture, it's saying "Who's the douche that can't wear a headset right?...THIS GUY!"

how do you explain to poor countries that they are destroying a delicate balance that might possibly have a disastrous effect. Taiwan doesn't give 2 shits about endagered species and neither do most other 2nd world and 3rd world contries. These guys wouldn't care, it's not affecting them now, they don't care about the

1 ping, and 1 ping only

I think Anthony Colon will be reaping the rewards of such a prestigious last name very soon.

this is all good until we create another Behemoth, the Sea Monster. don't blame me when England is ravaged again.

I hear other directors are jumping on this bandwagon, in the Blu-Ray release of the Goonies, Sloth and Stef fall in love and have many dimple-chinned, ragged eared babies.

because my insurance company already bought me a cockatoo, if you've never owned a needy cockatoo, count yourself lucky

"Since its dedication in 1993, the ALS has been used by over 2000 researchers a yeas studying " yeas should year i think

I'm starting a class action lawsuit against Yahoo! for this travesty. we're gonna be rich and I for one will buy a monkey with my newfound wealth.

the fact that this just happened in the U.S. also nullifies your comment.

that's how it goes, the richer you are the more people want to give you for free, makes zero sense when we have homeless/starving people in our own backyards but it's the norm among the elite.

awesome post, and i've always suspected him of being an ass

that'll do pig, that'll do...*sniff*

I can't wait to try these with the iBoobs app!..."I don't know how I got whiplash boss, I must have slept wrong"

Captain Obvious has arrived...we should use this to measure our biceps...cheeky monkeys!