
Yep, it should have ended there, I think.

Because Dragon Age isn't The Elder Scrolls.

Personally, I don't think it matters what it was initially if it's good despite that.

Good luck, guys! Was sweet.


Conversely, I didn't feel it was convoluted at at all. I understood everything they sent at me and that's why I always feel so confused when I see people mention that little made sense. It was very clear to me. I could probably answer any questions you might have about the anime. I enjoyed it.

I wonder if Joel from Rooster Teeth made this, or at least directed it. I often wonder which commercials for video games he and RT work on, but this seems kind of their style of humor.

I don't use the 3D very often, even with Fire Emblem. It's really just a gimmick, but you can't play 3DS games without a 3DS, so...

I smiled and chuckled a little bit.

Well, STAB is Same Type Attack Bonus. What this means is if you have a Squirtle and it uses Bubble, which is a water move, it gets STAB, since Squirtle is a water pokemon. If you used Tackle, which is a normal move, Squirtle would not get STAB.

Yuuuup. Black/White 2 has all the Regi, the two legendaries on the box, plus the legendary they can fuse with, three roamers, a moth, Heatran, Cresselia, Latios, Latias...

"Guys, I hated everything and the people who worked on this should feel bad for even trying. Pay attention to me."

>Racing kids

Judging by their... psychopathy... I'd say the furry bastards are more goblin than gnome.

See that bowstring, bro? It makes tanktops work like that.

That was entertaining.

All of which can be bought with currency obtained in-game. And you only need 13 characters (weekly-free ones included in that count) in order to play ranked or draft mode. You can get enough to play competitively -long- before you reach level 30, when you can actually play ranked.

Fighting is Magic is what Mr-Narwhal is referring to. It was a pretty-heavily developed, tight-looking fighter featuring ponies before it was shut down by a C&D from Hasbro.

But he didn't even use the right "its"! Surely we can make fun of OP for that!

You might like the game Mane6 is making, then. It was high quality before it was shut down by Hasbro, but now they're doing their own thing with four-legged animals.