"generally" isn't even close, though. In my experience with the fandom, and I've been pretty deep in it the last two years, the ones interested in the rule 34 and such are far, far in the minority.
"generally" isn't even close, though. In my experience with the fandom, and I've been pretty deep in it the last two years, the ones interested in the rule 34 and such are far, far in the minority.
I didn't lump you together intentionally, I assure you. I just said that some people who are furries are bronies, but not all bronies are furries. I left out the "some" in my previous post, because I thought it was understood that I wasn't talking about everyone.
There's a lot of annoying fans, yes, but you only see them. That colors the entire fanbase for you. Keep in mind you're only seeing a fraction of the fandom.
I wouldn't say going to a convention means you're purely and exclusively changing your life to base it around the convention's theme.
Not everyone is like that.
Actually, the Big Lebowski scene was in season 2 and Dr. Who comparisons have been made from Time Turner's first appearance.
The title princess is Link, though.
I see the miscommunication, but the first season was definitely not tea parties and dress up. In fact, a point of Lauren Faust's vision for the show was to deliver good shows for girls. Mythological adventure stories are a great way to do that through the guise of ponies that girls adore, and the pilot reflects that.
That may be true for the previous iterations of MLP, but the newest show is definitely more geared toward adventure and the wonder of magic than the tea parties and dress up that characterized the previous generations.
Yeah, it's pretty catchy.
I wouldn't say all. A lot, certainly, but that's any fandom.
But the fact that it's brony-related means more people will be clicking in outrage and to make fun of bronies.
I don't feel gross.
Could be just the particular DJ, but there are some awesome songs created by the musicians of the fandom. A particular favorite of mine, if you don't mind trying it out, is Discord, by TheLivingTombstone.
While the show has characters that furries enjoy, I wouldn't say that the majority of bronies are also furries. A lot of people of all ages and gender like the show. It'd be fairer to say that people who are already furries are "bronies" in addition to the majority who are just regular people.
While that may have been the original definition, the fandom behind the show has almost universally agreed that "brony" is gender- and age-neutral. You can call any fan of the show a brony now.
While that may be the original definition, the fandom behind MLP has decided almost universally that "brony" is age- and sex-neutral. You can use it for any fan of the show, now.
Are you sexually attracted to the video game characters you play? I mean, Samus is pretty hot and all, but I don't think of boning her while I play Metroid games.