
Or you get together with a group of friends, spend money together, defend your drop and share the loot. It sounds pretty awesome actually. The game will be free2play too, so if you have a group, you could just roam around and try to take other people's drops without spending a dime.

It's going to be a free2play game. How the hell is SOE going to pay for the servers and make a profit (yes, games have to be profitable *gasp*) if they run the game for free and don't ask for a dime? I frankly hope more games do this, it's more fair.

This is why it isn't P2W, more like PfaC2W (pay for a chance to win). You're not guaranteed loot sp it seems pretty fair to "win" some loot when you have to fight a horde of zombies and PVP at the same time.

Animals too. The farm animals we've domesticated, when you compare them to what they were like hundreds of years ago, are terrifying monsters. Give us enough time, and we'll create "ChickieNobs" (from Oryx and Crake) through selective breeding alone.

Depends on the dialect. In Elementary School, my french teacher was rather old and from rural Quebec, and she tried so hard to teach us to roll our Rs (so hard!). When she was retired, she was replaced with a younger teacher from Montreal and everyone was SO happy when she taught us the fricative R.

FOY-AY. I'm Canadian though. I think Americans say "Fo-yer" and that sounds plain awful.

wtf. I have lactose intolerance too but I'm extremely careful about the cheese I consume. Old cheese = good. Processed cheese = bloating fart death.

What in the flying fuck does this have to do with women and monogamy? Okay, you're a sexual creature, I get it but don't you dare claim that all men are like you. We aren't.

I've been with the same guy for 7 years, and he wants sex a few times a week and I'm fine with a few times a month. Shocking right? Even more

Learn and grow? I personally think she needs jail-time. She can learn and grow behind bars.

Not exactly racist, as she specified male Indians from India on the internet. If it's not misandrist to say that males on internet dating sites tend to be creeps, than this isn't racist.

Remember that India is a civilization state, and she wasn't talking about Indians in general (like Indo-Americans etc) but

I can almost see her vulva. WTF.

She doesn't look like she's suffering at all... I wish I could find something delicious that I could eat every day and not get bored with it. I mean, 7 years! My soda addiction didn't even last 7 years.


Well, it was a seat right front of business class, where instead of three seats there were only two and there was a space between the dividing wall and the seats. Way more room! My point was that I asked, and they accommodated.

My boyfriend on the other hand, just moves wherever he wants mid-flight so he can stretch

Or ask nicely to change seats before you get on the plane. I'm rather tall, so when I was checking in my luggage, I asked if there were any seats with legroom. She changed my seat to aisle seat for free.

Being an adult SUCKS.

Yep. The reason why food scandals in China are so widespread and pervasive is that manufacturers cleverly use techniques and chemicals to mask what they're doing.…

That article even teaches you to make fake eggs, and they're almost indistinguishable from the real thing. Same

My first thought was "If used a mind-controlled robot limb to masturbate, would it feel like my hand or someone else's?"

Your mindset confuses me. Do you not try anything new? Or do you only vacation in places where your first language is spoken and they eat the exact same food you do at home.