Yeah, the only reason the Chinese are not rioting in the streets is because wages increase about 10% a year, meaning they should double every 7 years.
Yeah, the only reason the Chinese are not rioting in the streets is because wages increase about 10% a year, meaning they should double every 7 years.
If you bought a 50k apartment a decade ago, you'd be sitting pretty now. That's why the Chinese property market exploded.
You lose money by keeping it in the banks (interest rates for individuals are MUCH lower than inflation [by about 2%]) so people piled into real-estate speculation which drove up the prices of…
Numbeo has an average for China. $5,500 USD per square metre in a city centre, and $2800 USD per square metre outside of centre.
The average US house size is 2700 square feet, which is about 251 square meters. For an equivalent size apartment:
City centre apartment: $1,375,000 USD
Outside centre: $700,000 USD
(note: you…
Oh yeah, he also technically sexually assaulted me, because I woke up when he put my hand in his pants and stuck his tongue in my ear. Co-ed high school sleepovers are the worst.
Haha. I do that too! I leave the tea bags in my tea press because I don't mind oversteeped tea. I like to think it has more caffeine.
China's not actually all the cheap. 120k will -maybe- get you an apartment, but in China apartments come bare. Just cement. You have to pay to get them "decorated", which means installing pipes, floors and painting walls not to mention buying sfridges, ovens, sinks, toilets, etc.
I live in Canada and in my province not only can you not advertise cigs (only types of tobacco on offer and/or their prices using only text, no images and no brand names), you also can not display them. It's actually illegal for a store to show their cigarettes to a customer at the customer's request if minors are…
Oh, believe me, compensation in China is definitely "unique". Many incidents can be privately settled, so rich people can get away with anything short of murder.
Don't forget guanxi either. If a family's rich they can pull strings, pay bribes and make the police work for them, hiding evidence and silencing the victim.
Karma whores!
Weird. My Japanese lady friend had the same arrangement with her husband. He's asexual and they're best friends. He's missing a testicle. She's now pregnant with his baby despite that. Oh, and she slept with another dude on her wedding night. She's really into "lolitas" (underage-looking girls) butch lesbians and…
In less than a day, a reddit thread about something that may or may not be true, had about 3000 upvotes. That's not "newsworthy" enough for you? Should we wait until the story has 30,000 upvotes? 300,000?
Well, seeing as how police strenuously remind people to give up the objects that robbers demand, because it's more dangerous to refuse their demands than it is difficult to replace the objects stolen, it was partially her fault.
I was robbed when I worked at a 7/11. The guy walked up, said he had a gun and that he wanted the money from till. I didn't believe him but I wasn't about to question him.
I took the till tray out and set in front of him and said, "You take it". He looked at me dumbfounded, and tried to take some bills (we only kept…
Jesus gives reach-arounds. Good to know!
Edit: NOOO someone beat me.
He killed himself so he wouldn't suffer, ergo we should give him what he doesn't want: to be alive and suffering in prison.
Oh what secrets lay buried in those ancient, dusty dunes.
Derail? I took issue with MadamS. saying men dominate everything. That's hyperbole that doesn't help clarify why men dominate the upper management of certain industries.
To be clear, my question at the end wasn't rhetorical. It's 2014 and the sexuality and gender of board members and CEOs does matter, to a very few…
Yep, now you know why I have my crazy "I MUST INSPECT THE GOODS FIRST!" mindset.
I'm just glad that my last inspection was my husband, over 8 years ago. He passed! If we ever divorce or anything, I'm devoting my life to bible study. Penis inspection sounds much more fun than it actually is.
Well, to be fair, the phimosis dick was the one with the scales. Worst thing is, because he couldn't retract his foreskin, he wanted me to "stick my finger in it and swirl it around".
Most servers don't claim taxes on their tips though, so their stated incomes and actual incomes don't match up.