
Yuup. I still remember the day when my history teacher asked my class (at my private boarding school) who considered themselves “Upper Middle Class.” Literally everyone raised their hand, and the teacher basically said “LOL no. If your parents can afford to send you to this school, you are well above Upper Middle

Meanwhile, Gawker’s senior leadership and senior management positions has how many women or people of color? ZERO

You can’t put links in Instagram descriptions :-)

Colleges are not worth it. I look at college as a time for kids to extend there childhood for 4 more years.

Yay! I’m iut of the greys!

I go to reddit/relationships on occasion because I’m a terrible person, and there are a surprising number of stories like this. As in, “I’ve had 20 people tell me he’s having an affair, I saw pictures of him proposing to another woman, and I physically walked in on him having sex - is he cheating on me?”

also, HE IS CLEARLY MARRIED and she STILL doesn’t get that at the end, which is mind-blowing. like, thats not an engagement party, sweetie.

You’re missing the point. I find most teenagers annoying. I’m not a huge fan of kids in general but add on teen entitlement, narcissism, the know-it-all ‘special snowflake’ bs they thanks. Do not like.

Who lets their kid spend time with this garbage human?

For me it’s the faux-intellectualism and the attention whoring behavior. Also Typing Like This Is An Annoying Teen Thing That I Find Annoying In All Teens. Jaden is not exempt.

“First I roll over on the bed I built for myself
and look at the ground. If there are clothes I wore from the previous day and they’re not too dirty, that’s what I put on.”

Ah, I think he’s ok; he seems fairly harmless, especially relative to a whole bunch of other entitled rich kids. Plus, I will always applaud young men in skirts and dresses.

this is going to be the most amazing thread

But Christians will argue that’s what Satan does: he goes against the will of God, he tempts you, and gives you your hearts desire, which in this case is abortions on demand.

Don’t bring your idiot troll out of the grays. He’s been cruising for a while looking for someone to stir his stupid shit.

Oh crap I need more coffee. I read that and thought "why are we hailing Stan?"

If you’re gonna complain- at least offer a tip as to how to resolve the issue.

we can appreciate humor and a good article. Its not like they could use an actual circumcision gif. womp womp :(

If I had to think about it, of the last five insults someone lobbed my way as a person of size... only one came from a male coward in a moving car screeching something about Taco Bell still being open as his friend drove him away and I walked up the road... and the other four came from fellow women. Just saying, women