her path: stripper -> Dated rapper tyga -> Featured in monster video by kanye -> Friends with kim for a little -> Known in the industry for having a big ass -> High profile breakup/kylie shenanigans -> Here we are.
her path: stripper -> Dated rapper tyga -> Featured in monster video by kanye -> Friends with kim for a little -> Known in the industry for having a big ass -> High profile breakup/kylie shenanigans -> Here we are.
She owns a spa in encino and a clothing store.
It's Rihmeek not rahmeek
wow this is so nice of him I really feel like shit for no reason now :(
She received $250,000 apparently,also, she got the contract of the prank months prior but the clause stated it could occur at any time.
This thread is 90% Pro satan and I'm just here worried now.
why is Raven still on TV? Does she pull that much ratings being a dumbass?
Coldplays idea first tho
No sis I actually believe in a woman having the right to do whatever she wants with her own body and not being chastised for it.
Pardon me for being out of timing but the UVA incident and this have completely different reactions from the police and i just...
They're acting like they want witnesses when the department already made their minds up on the issue...
I WANNA RECCOMEND YOU +1+1+1+1+1+1!!!
Isn't she owning her sexuality rather than objectifying it?
I don't think she threw shade though maybe she was honestly over paul questions and wanted to throw a little... well ok yeah it was shade.
Why do white people always get it wrong with cultural appropriation?
I could've sworn you're in the hive by the way you know the facts @chamonille
The rims really did it for me lmao