A Clockwork Orange was a "smash hit"?
A Clockwork Orange was a "smash hit"?
I think we agree. I mean, I am mildly interest in seeing this, but mostly because I am interested in SW, as are many people that grew up with it, in a scholarly sense. It's interesting to see how the story evolved. I do not, however, read EU, so I don't know where that leaves me. I think what I am saying is, it's a…
Come on, romakan. You don't see how climate policy favors some business over others? If you really think there isn't money to be made by corporations lobbying the government for climate change legislation, you haven't been paying attention or you are being willfully ignorant. "Green" is big, nay, HUGE business now.
Are you working for the Koch brothers or big oil?
Probably, but the same argument has been made of scientists in the pro-climate change camp. Neither of those arguments gets us any further down the road towards a solution. Politics and money are too bound up in this for people to think clearly on it.
Can you recommend a good book about this subject? Preferably something that doesn't involve liberals and conservatives trying to out-do each other? I seriously need a recommendation, if you have one.
This just makes me sad. Why the hell did I hit the jump?
It's fun to bash Star Wars, isn't it!!
True, true.
Please, then, educate the masses, Oh Omniscient one.
I think those are all very valid opinions. And, hey, I wouldn't worry about not liking something that many other people do. Popularity has never been a measure of quality. I think the book is brilliant, but I ain't gonna get down on someone else for disagreeing. It's funny, I consider myself a huge sci-fi fan, but…
Tron Legacy car?
I stand by the idea that the opening credits sequence is one of the best opening credits sequences in movie history. The history of the Minute-Men set to "The Times Are A-Changing" was phenomenal.
I still, after all this time, have a hard time understanding people's hatred for that film. I am a big fan of the book, and I thought the film was actually pretty damned good.
The movie opens with Thor saving the nine realms (including earth).
Your comments were very hurtful.
Look at it this way, if you ever find yourself in a depressing dystopia where you're the only person left alive on a barren, frozen, climate change-afflicted Earth, you'll have no trouble amusing yourself.