
Warren to Trump - Challenge Accepted. I’ll get a DNA test if you take an IQ test..

IMHO (given a wagon/estate style rearward roof line):

Now playing

It’s a shame Mission Motorcycles went bankrupt. But with a $33K entry point for the R and up to $77k for the RS, the engineers themselves saw the writing on the wall and moved to more career-friendly jobs. Not one ever ended up in consumer hands, despite where they were when Leno tested one. (Skip to 6:40 for the road

Was going to point out that the stuff stings like a SOB, but you summed it up nicely. Have a star..

The biggest obstacle I see on bikes smaller than 16" wheel size, is coaster brakes. You can’t set your pedals for starting without scooting it forward or lifting the back wheel, and just when you get going and the wobbles kick in, the natural reflex is to back-peddle to gain balance at which point the bike jerks to a

You missed a major point for a lot of environment-aware buyers; it’s Palm Oil Free...

You missed a major point for a lot of environment-aware buyers; it’s Palm Oil Free...

I’m 100% certain cost is a factor. I bet they could replicate the UK recipe but it would shrink their profit margin.

In the UK, in the early 90's, my first car was a 1.3 liter Ford Escort four door. Most big motorbikes have bigger engines here now!

Actually I had that with a guy driving a Maserati in the snow yesterday. Tried to muscle into my lane with an air of superiority, but as I had no need to slow down, I simply kept level while watching them get deeper and deeper into slush, as well as getting sprayed with slush I was throwing up. He gave up.  

Never had any issues with my LR’s..

Having moved from the UK to the US, the mentality here is definitely “Bigger is better”, and often it seems to be to bolster the road rage mentality. “I’m bigger than you, so YOU give way”.

You’re doing it right. But there are Silverado’s out there whose bed has never seen dirt, let alone dirt attached to a bike.

What no love for the 3000GT MR? (Mitsubishi Racing).

Note that this is the Premium combo kit, so an extra-sweet deal.

Note that this is the Premium combo kit, so an extra-sweet deal.

I’m in a minority I reckon. My biggest bugbear in eateries is waiting forever for someone to clear plates and ask if we want the check. If I stack plates, it’s not “a little help here” - it’s “GTF over here, I want to leave..”

Sh*tting and scrolling I understand. What I never get is the guys who pee at a urinal and have their phone out.

Your talent for amusing acronyms is impressive. Good article too.  

Are crappy looking toenails really a sign of something terrible going on elsewhere or is that just clickbait adds? I’ve finally gotten several of mine from totally white to a normal-ish color but they are still not smooth and pink. Oddly I have one perfectly normal one. All the rest would miss foot model standards by

I installed Fake A Fax on my iPad. If I get a call on my iPhone and it’s a spam call*, I fire up the fake fax noise on the ipad and blast it into the speaker on the iPhone. Seems to get my number struck off a lot of lists.

Hence why “Euro Bumpers” and “no side markers” is a selling point on many classics these days. World market compatibility killed that all off nowadays.