
Sh*tting and scrolling I understand. What I never get is the guys who pee at a urinal and have their phone out.

Imagine having a TV remote charging stand that also doubles as the known place to find the TV remote. Imagine the power for that was from solar panels.

Exactly. I picked up the 1080p 55" Curved OLED LG for the living room as color depth was more important than resolution at the size and viewing distance. What I’d like to see is a drop in price for 4K projectors, as I have 135" screen in my basement movie room that would justify 4k, but probably not 8k.  

I don’t frequently read the word billions, but when I do I hear it in Carl Sagans voice.

Only if they’re 9v and you stick both terminals on your tongue...

Your talent for amusing acronyms is impressive. Good article too.  

I just wish Carl Sagan was around to comment about the fact that this is a tiny smattering of data, from a fraction of the stars, in just our small and uncrowded corner of the known universe. Multiply this data across billions of stars in billions of galaxies...

Now that OLED is in Apples bag of tricks, give me an iPhone the size of a G6 iPod touch. I want that iPhone Mini already. Not everyone wants a pocket bulge increase.

Came to post the same thing. Not disappointed I wasn’t first. I think there’s a blog out there where someone erases the logo from all Supreme “accessories” to see if people would still buy them. (Note: I own some Supreme stuff, but I’ve never bought from a reseller and it’s usually the practical stuff like the Thermos

“Person to person sales... no. The government doesn’t need to monitor private consumer transactions.”

Are crappy looking toenails really a sign of something terrible going on elsewhere or is that just clickbait adds? I’ve finally gotten several of mine from totally white to a normal-ish color but they are still not smooth and pink. Oddly I have one perfectly normal one. All the rest would miss foot model standards by

If you’re English and posh, it’s “vhaaaazz”.

I was all ready for it to be some basement tinkerer dude with too much time on his hands using off the shelf parts. Good so far.

Damn. This now lead me down the rabbit hole of buying a Goonies copper bones replica that I can randomly leave hanging somewhere in my house. And, now I think of it, I also want the idol from Temple of Doom to stick on a shelf....

Especially given Tic Toc from Return to Oz is in there. Very random selection of movies. Was going to say they are all kids movies, but then there’s Evil Dead...  

Disagree on the leg lamp, as I just thought “Assuming EVERYTHING in here is a reference, what’s an iconic lamp?”. But I’m totally with you on Mjolnir. Also, Wolverine’s dog tags, once I figured out they were dog tags, could be any dog tag. The alternate (brighter) color one makes some things easier.

I’ve mastered the art of the shortcut. The signs are small, but they are there. I never do a complete “ikea shuffle” circuit.

I installed Fake A Fax on my iPad. If I get a call on my iPhone and it’s a spam call*, I fire up the fake fax noise on the ipad and blast it into the speaker on the iPhone. Seems to get my number struck off a lot of lists.

It may not kill the tree itself, but it IS prepping it to be killed.

They’re valued at approximately $17Billion. Estimated class action payouts could reach $70Billion...