
To the tune of the Major General's Song...

I play a lot on the subway to work, this model is useless for me.

With a muzzle velocity of over 300 ft per second, getting just the pepper discharge in a protesters eyes is not a concern. Not hitting them in the eye and blinding them is.

Is that seriously how her butt looks? Are you sure this isn't a hoax? I'd check The Onion but I'm at work. (The story came up on my RSS and I HAD to look for a few mins).

I remember the good old days when Flash was hailed as THE graphics engine for the internet. Tweening! Vectors! Onion skin animation tools. Woo!

The clockwork detailing is in-effing-sane. Mental. Awesome.

But how can she be blocking me if she doesn't know I'm coming?

Or, buy a set Etymotic hf3 Customs for about $150. Inside the box, you'll find a bunch of rubbish one-size-fits-most earbuds, which you may discard. Also in the box, you'll find a voucher redeemable from ACS. For an extra $70, these guys will create custom ear moulds..

If the thief targets a drunk on a crowded train car, they could pickpocket a single item easily without being seen.

I got my Mokume Gane ring custom made by krikawa. Platinum and White Gold with a Paladium. took two months, but only cost $2500 and I got to chose the materials and the pattern style, which varies wildly depending on how the metals are folded.

I'd call this a bottle opener in the style of a "Flick Knife", because it levers from the side like a conventional pocket knife.

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

I was more intrigued by the folding and transparent displays.

My one year old already figured out to press the iPad home button when she gets bored of a story or learning app. A month ago she would only say "Mah, Mah MAH" progressively louder till I got the hint and quit the app. She's now launching apps herself and reconizes the icons of her favorites. She also grabs my iPhone

So they placed their polished turd on a pedestal, and there was much rejoicing from the Porsche marketing team.

1: I carry a Aiport Express with me when I travel so I can setup my own WiFi when hotels only provide a cable. 9/10 times I have no problem using it on their network. Hotels like that usually have nothing more than an internet connection and an unsecured switch or two to break out the connections to the rooms.

It's in their store on 57th and Lexington in Manhattan if you want to see it. I saw it there yesterday while passing by on my lunch break. It's definitely used, if only from testing: you can see scuffs in the paint and foot / hand grips.

In the spirit of gadget geekness, and stepping away from the subject of the video momentarily, props to Woz for rocking the awesome nixie watch.


My thoughts exacty. Thanks for saving me from typing an additional 45 words to this.