
I think he would. Part of the point of this article was the fact that W8 market is becoming it's /own/ steam. It's own distribution curator. Steam is afraid it will become irrelevant in light of an integrated native merchant platform.

Agreed. This article was fantastic.

Anyone find heat issues with their plasma? I have a 42" panasonic and after a few hours my bedroom becomes noticeably hot. After 8 hours or so (gaming, movies, coding etc) it can reach a good 95 degrees in there. The heat from my TV can be pretty bad at times. What do you think? Do you have this issue? Are LED/LCD

I use a single 42" wall mounted at a desk for both computing and gaming. I find separate monitors to be an annoyance. The multitasking aspect is easily replicated using Windows 7's resizing features by snapping the windows to the far sides of your screen. If I'm using a fullscreen application I really don't want to be

If I were to start learning real code for game design, which language would you recommend? I already (mostly) know VB.Net, but its practicality is limited. Would you recommend C or Java or...?

Rainmeter has a ton of useful gadgets and tools, if you're into that sort of thing.

Those are pretty accurate. It's not a "bad" case, but nowhere near the quality of the device iteself.

I agree. From what I could understand of it, I'd really need a constant connection for it to be practical.

1) Thanks, I guess

In my experience, it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. I've kinda given up on it.

I'm not entirely pleased with the case Google offered (though they do have a premium leather one coming in a month, might want to wait).

Nexus 7. Few questions.

Unless you're like me, and you're the only employee with any level of tech savvy. Petty obvious where that'd come from. For the record, my boss is awesome as hell.

To be fair, the popular/recommended apps are pretty dame safe. Google Play does however have a black market of shady ass apps that are clearly spambot data-mining traps for complete idiots who don't know any better. There's probably a few thousand of those "sexy tile game" puzzles that, for whatever reason, require

Same for me. I've been getting spam for the past week out of nowhere. Hope this isn't the cause...

It essentially turns an itemized list into an infographic. Sure, lots of people prefer an infograph, but you lose a lot of information and it makes getting to the details much harder. Just a matter of taste.

Well said, I agree on all points.

You'd be right in cases where the ISP modem doubles as the router. If you're using your own router tethered to a separate modem, it would be no problem. Though it would be really inconvenient.

Yeah! Take down Microsoft and Apple! That would totally benefit the tech world...

Same here. I already started saving a Surface fund lol. This is what I've wanted since "tablet" was a thing.